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Questions about Spill Prevention (SPCC Plan)
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 93 items in 3 pages
For the purposes of SPCC, and providing compliance with the secondary containment provisions, is a "double hulled" or "double walled" storage tank considered to provide the secondary containment? 07/10/2008National
40 CFR 112.8(c)(3)(iii) states "Open the bypass valve and reseal it following drainage under responsible supervision." What does EPA consider responsible supervision? 11/29/2018National
40 CFR Section 112.3(c) states that if you are a owner or operator of a portable fueling facility you must prepare,implement and mainteain a facility Plan. 03/24/2005National
A delivery truck with a 100-gallon diesel fuel tank delivers fuel to my facility. Is SPCC applicable to it, particularly the secondary containment requirement, or is it covered under 40 CFR 112 Appendix B--the MOU with DOT and DOI? 12/05/2005National
An interstate towable trailer is outfitted with ASTs, and it is towed to disaster areas to fuel electrical generators and vehicles. It is parked at a facility between deployments. Does the trailer count towards the SPCC threshold at the facility? 12/14/2018National
An SPCC plan is required if a facility has a reasonable expectation of discharge of oil to a navigable waterway. We have facilities that only discharge water during serious storms, through roadside ditches and swales that otherwise wouldn't discharge 03/10/2006National
Are “shipping” containers like 55 gallon drums considered “storage”? 05/19/2016National
Are empty totes and drums that had oil but are now empty and awaiting pickup to be returned or recycled still considered for SPCC? In other words, do they still need to be included in the Plan, meet secondary containment requirements, and be inspected? 09/10/2020National
Are secondary containment requirements found at 40 CFR 112.7(c) applicable to oil-filled electrical equipment? 12/05/2005National
Are the volumes of oil/diesel equipment exceeding 55 gallon capacities counted in determining the necessity of an SPCC plan? 08/25/2005National
Are wastewater treatment facilities required to prepare and implement a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan? 02/07/2005National
Can a response to a small spill count as an FRP drill? 06/13/2007National
Could you provide me with a copy of a sample Spill Prevention Control & Counter (SPCC) plan? 09/27/2004National
Do 55-gallon fiber drums meet the requirements for compatibility in 40 CFR 112.8(c)(1)? Does the secondary containment requirement in 40 CFR 112.8(c)(2) apply to these drums? 04/30/2020National
Do Chemicals such as benzene, aniline, toluene and onther refined hydrocarbons meet the SPCC definition of oil and need to be part of the planning process? 08/28/2003National
Do Tier I and Tier II qualified facilities need to complete the "Certification of the Applicability of the Substantial Harm Criteria" found in 40 CFR 112, Appendix C, Attachment C-II as part of their SPCC Plan? 11/20/2018National
Do transformers owned by the power company need to be part of our SPCC Plan? 11/06/2019National
Do we need to include hydraulic units smaller than 55 gallons of oil in our plan for specific sources? 08/09/2013National
Does 40 CFR 112.8 d(1) refer to piping associated with a containment system that leads to an oil water separator? 03/15/2012National
Does a facility that has three blow molding machines with oil capacity of 300 gallons (gal) each, and a tote tank containing 250 gal need an SPCC Plan? If so, can the EHS manager write the SPCC Plan or does the facility need a professional engineer (PE)? 06/12/2015National
Does a SPCC plan w/ more than 10000 gallons need to be recertified by a professional engineer ever 5 years or only when there is a change to the facility design, construction or operation? 08/30/2013National
Does a trucking terminal need an SPCC plan? 05/19/2016National
Does changing the frequency of inspections from weekly to monthly for facilities that receive infrequent fuel deliveries (1/year or less) constitute a technical change that requires a PE? 03/07/2014National
Does replacing a 1000 gallon UST with an 8000 gallon UST in the same location require a PE-certified revision to the SPCC Plan if nothing else has cahnged at the site? 02/10/2014National
Does the requirement for additional capacity for precipitation for specific secondary containment apply for "General" Secondary Containment cases such as pipelines? 06/09/2016National
During delivery of fuel to my site a tanker truck comes up to refuel tanks (w/gas or diesel). Does our SPCC need to address the ability to deal w/a spill where the entire truck loses its load or only a portion of the tanker load? 02/19/2009National
EPA published October 2007 proposed amendments to the SPCC regulations. Have these been finalized? The amendments make reference to Tier 1 facilities and an SPCC Plan template. What is the definition of Tier 1? Is the template available? 09/24/2008National
For purposes of the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures regulations, what is the definition of 'oil-handling personnel'? 03/14/2005National
For qualified facilities that self-certify their SPCC Plan, who should be signing the self-certification? 07/30/2019National
How does an owner/ operator of a facility address utility-owned oil containers/ equipment that are located in the owner's facility, but are owned and operated by the electric utility company? 07/17/2017National
How much oil must a water-oil mixture contain before being potentially subject to SPCC? 11/29/2004National
How soon do I need to have my SPCC Plan updated and PE-certified when installing a new oil storage tank? 04/14/2020National
I am responsible for a turbine generator at a dam power facility. The generator contains oil but does not meet the 1320 gallon threshold for oil. It is located next to a waterway and does have the potential if spilled to enter that waterway. Since I don' 08/14/2013National
I have a shear with a hydraulic system that holds 135 gallons of hydraulic oil; since this is a manufacturing machine do I have to count this oil when I determine the need for a SPCC Plan? 06/28/2004National
I have locations with transformers only that have more than 1320 gals but less than 10,000 gals. Do SPCC regs apply? If so, do they need to be PE certified? If not, do they need secondary containment and a response plan or just a response plan? 05/13/2009National
I have oil-filled operating equipment (hydraulic unit) that has an integral 75 gallon reservoir. Is the reservoir considered part of the oil-filled equipment, or is it considered a bulk container? 10/31/2018National
If a facility maintains a retention basin onsite to which all stormwater runoff drains and its capacity is much greater than all oil sources onsite, then is the facility exempt from SPCC regulations? 11/14/2005National
If I have the potential of having an 8,000 gallon fuel truck at my facility to fill my aboveground fuel tank, do I have to build a secondary containment structure for that tanker truck to drive onto that can contain the trucks fuel capacity? 09/24/2008National
If I have the potential of having an 8000 gallon fuel truck at my facility to fill my above ground fuel tank, do I have to build a secondary containment structure for that tanker truck to drive onto that can contain the trucks fuel capacity? 01/21/2009National
If my North Carolina facility is exempt from a Stormwater permit, and it does not affect any navigable waterways, am I required to have my spill plan certified by a Professional Engineer? 09/26/2007National
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