More than a year after the 2008 Farm Bill expired, Congress has yet to come together to agree on a reauthorization package to send to the president. Everyone agrees that reauthorization is necessary, but lawmakers have been unable to resolve differences in conflicting House and Senate proposals. Major issues of disagreement include cuts to the food stamp program (now called the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP), crop insurance, phasing out direct government payments to farmers, and price protection.
As many have pointed out, the Farm Bill is not just about farming. Historically, it supports many major environmental and energy programs. Some of these have been extended while others remain unfunded, unauthorized, or without enactment of needed reforms, the same state of affairs affecting some core agricultural programs.
White House report
The Obama administration recently reminded the Congress that it began making recommendations on how to improve the Farm Bill in June 2010. In a recent report, the administration provided a long and detailed list of all that rides on reauthorization. Key environmental and energy issues in that list include the following: