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October 05, 2012
Environmental Daily Advisor Week in Review--October 1, 2012, to October 5, 2012

This week, the Environmental Daily Advisor discussed Clean Air Act recordkeeping requirements, risk communication, and TSCA's significant new use rule (SNUR).
Here’s the Environmental Daily Advisor week in review.

CAA Recordkeeping Requirements--a Quick Reference --Good records is key to Clean Air Act compliance. Implementing good records management and retention practices can save you time and money.

CAA Recordkeeping Cheat Sheet --Recordkeeping can be dull and tedious. But having the right document can mean the difference between a slog and smooth sailing when inspectors knock at your door. here's more help to keep track of Clean Air Act (CAA) recordkeeping requirements.

How to Communicate Environmental Risk to Your Neighbors --How the folks in community your perceive the risks from your facility can make for some bumpy public relations. Communicating environmental risk is an art. It is creative that you understand how your neighbors perceives risk in order to understand how to best confront and minimize these fears.

EPCRA Can Be Used for Good Risk Communication-- Why is the public so focused on chemical risks in the community when smoking and driving may be statistically riskier? It may be about a sense of prsonal control.

What's Significant About SNUR? --Companies that manufacture or import chemicals that may become subject to the significant new use rule (SNUR) requirements of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) should be familiar with the broad meaning that that term provided in TSCA.

BLR’s Environmental Daily Advisor is a free daily source of environmental compliance tips, news, and advice.