Q: What are the requirements for technicians that handle refrigerants and service refrigeration equipment?
A: Any person who could be reasonably expected to violate the integrity of the refrigerant circuit during the maintenance, service, repair, or disposal of appliances containing a class I or class II refrigerant or a non-exempt substitute refrigerant must pass a certification exam offered by an approved technician certification program.
Activities reasonably expected to violate the integrity of the refrigerant circuit include but are not limited to:
- Attaching or detaching hoses and gauges to and from the appliance;
- Adding or removing refrigerant;
- Adding or removing components; and
- Cutting the refrigerant line.
Activities such as painting the appliance, rewiring an external electrical circuit, replacing insulation on a length of pipe, or tightening nuts and bolts are not reasonably expected to violate the integrity of the refrigerant circuit. Activities conducted on appliances that have been properly evacuated in accordance with 40 CFR 82.156 are not reasonably expected to release refrigerants unless the activity includes adding refrigerant to the appliance.
Technicians could include but are not limited to installers, contractor employees, in-house service personnel, and owners and/or operators of appliances.
Types of Certifications
Type I technicians - people who maintain, service, or repair small appliances.
Type II technicians - people who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of medium-, high-, or very high-pressure appliances, except small appliances, MVACs, and MVAC-like appliances.
Type III technicians - people who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of low-pressure appliances.
Universal technicians - people who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of all of the aforementioned appliances.
Technicians who maintain, service, or repair MVAC-like appliances must either be certified as Type II technicians or be certified in accordance with 40 CFR 82, Subpart B.
People who dispose of small appliances, MVACs, and MVAC-like appliances are not required to be certified.
Demonstration of Certification
The EPA may require technicians to demonstrate at their place of business their ability to perform proper procedures for recovering and/or recycling refrigerant. Failure to demonstrate or failure to properly use the equipment may result in revocation or suspension of the certificate.
Certified technicians must keep a copy of their certificate at their place of business and maintain a copy of their certificate until three years after no longer operating as a technician.
Governing laws and regulations: