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Do you take advantage of applicable solvent-contaminated wipe management exceptions?

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 632 items in 32 pages
Hazmat TransportationDo you know how to load your hazardous materials for transport?5/05/2017
TrainingHow often do you supply brief refresher training to your employees?3/13/2017
Biennial ReportDo you have to submit a state hazardous waste management report this year?2/10/2017
Environment - GeneralAre your job position and your payment on par with our 2017 EHS Salary Guide?1/04/2017
Environmental Protection AgencyPresident-elect Trump has chosen Oklahoma’s attorney general E. Scott Pruitt as the new EPA administrator. What effect do you think this will this have on your business or facility?12/08/2016
Hazmat TransportationAre you confident that you’re in compliance with shipping regulations when transporting hazardous materials by ground or by air?10/27/2016
Hazardous Waste - GeneralEPA’s Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule is expected to be finalized soon. Some of the expected changes attempt to reduce a generator’s regulatory burden. Will your business be affected by this rule?10/17/2016
Risk ManagementBy December 2016, the EPA intends to release its final Risk Management Plan (RMP) Rule revisions. Will your facility be affected?9/29/2016
Hazardous Waste DeterminationDo you take advantage of applicable solvent-contaminated wipe management exceptions?1/01/1900
Spill Prevention (SPCC Plan)Is your Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure Program (SPCC) Plan accurate and up-to-date?8/15/2016
Toxic Substances Control ActPresident Obama signed the TSCA reform bill into law. Will your business be affected?6/22/2016
Medical WasteWill the proposed new Hazardous Waste Pharmaceuticals Rule affect your facility?4/29/2016
AuditsDo you conduct environmental audits at your facility?3/04/2016
Community Right to KnowAre you ready for this Tier II reporting season?1/29/2016
WetlandsThe House passed S.J. Res. 22 which would nullify the WOTUS rule. Do you think the president will veto the action?1/14/2016
GHG ManagementThe House approved two Senate Joint Resolutions to block the Clean Power Plan. Do you think the President will veto them?12/10/2015
EnergyThe U.S. has denied the TransCanada’s application for a Presidential Permit to extend its proposed Keystone XL pipeline. Do you agree with the motion?11/17/2015
GHG ManagementA coalition of 23 states has requested to stay the Clean Power Plan rule. Do you think the rule will be stayed?10/29/2015
WetlandsDo you agree with the WOTUS stay?10/09/2015
Hazardous Waste GeneratorsIf the EPA’s new proposed hazardous waste generator improvements rule is finalized, will it affect your business?9/21/2015